


Releasing free music and mixtapes online to build direct relationships with fans is a severely broken process.

Meet StereoGrid

In 2011 via WeWorkLabs, an innovation space in New York City, I launched StereoGrid - a platform that leveraged artists existing press lists and the StereoGrid Network of music websites to virally deliver, measure and control the release of new music to the world.

How It Worked

  1. Artists Uploaded Music Releases to StereoGrid
  2. StereoGrid announced the release to music websites & the artists' press list
  3. Music bloggers disseminated the releases to their websites via embeddable media players
  4. Fans opted-in to receive future music from artists via the media players & the artists' pages on StereoGrid
  5. The next time artists created releases on StereoGrid, StereoGrid pushed the releases direct-to-fans via email & mobile

My Role

  • Founder
  • Business Strategy/Incorporation
  • Equity Negotiation
  • UX Design
  • Product Management
  • Marketing